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Joe Biden’s So-Far Missed Opportunity to Impact Cancer

With the shuttering of Biden Cancer Initiative, there’s a lot to wonder about in regard to Joe Biden’s future as a champion for those affected by cancer’s sinister grip.

Microphone for Podcast

Growing Value and Opportunity for Integrative Oncology in Hospital Settings

Listen to Glenn Sabin interviewed on the influential Relentless Health Value podcast on the topic of integrative oncology in hospital and health system settings. Host Stacey Richter and Glenn discuss the growing science supporting integrative oncology and the profound opportunity for hospitals and cancer centers to engage and educate their communities on true cancer prevention focused on smart lifestyle—read: beyond vaccines, colonoscopies, mammograms and early detection.

Rain Drops On Palm Leaf Nature Background.

I Never Let Up. Neither Should You.

I will never let my guard down. It doesn’t mean I am over-the-top nuts (depending on who you ask, naturally), following all that my program comprises, though I am quite disciplined. Put simply, I am serious about maintaining my health, and hope to avoid a relapse, or the possibility of being diagnosed with another disease, be that a secondary cancer or some other condition(s) in the future.

Mushrooms In The Autumn Forest.

Unleashing Your Brain’s Powerful Natural Pharmacy

We still know so little about the brain. And though this figure is controversial, it is widely thought that humans only use 10% of the capacity of their brains. One thing we do know about the brain is that it contains a natural pharmacy comprising some powerful, positive (and negative) chemicals.

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PCPs Should Support Survivorship, Not Directly Influence Cancer Decisions

A recently published survey of primary care physician (PCPs) showed how ambivalent many doctors are to discuss cancer treatment options with their patients. Glenn shares his views on how and where a PCP best fits into the cancer management team.

Finger Ringing Doorbell.

How to be a Horrible Host to Cancer: A Reading List

Being a horrible host to cancer means making it as uncomfortable as possible for the unwanted visitor to hang out, to grow, to take control of your ‘home’—your host environment. Here’s a reading list to get you on your way.

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The Larger Cancer Battle We All Face

I’m not a fan of the ‘fighting cancer’ metaphor as a battle cry; scores tallied—winners and losers. I prefer the judo allegory: leveraging one’s full, innate healing capacity—utilizing numerous tools and approaches—to make cancer, or any other condition or pathology, more difficult to take root or gain an upper hand. For those with cancer, it’s […]

Turtle In Prison Island Reservation

Noisy, Fleeting Resolutions: Resolve to Evolve

Powerful lifestyle change rarely coincides with a new calendar year. Health creation habits are acquired via incremental, consistent modifications over time.

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Chemo-Free Treatment Best Option for CLL Patients Under 70

There is good news in the advancement of chemo-free approaches to managing chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and I am thrilled to share it with you. Results of the phase III ECOG trial found that the combination of ibrutinib (Imbruvica) plus rituximab (Rituxan) came out superior to the chemotherapy and immunotherapy (chemoimmunotherapy) grouping of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab, known as FCR.

Deceptive Marketing in Precision Cancer Care

Deceptive Marketing of ‘Precision’ Cancer Care

A new, troubling report from Truth In Advertising suggests some cancer hospitals are guilty of deceiving patients about their chances of survival, because they give the initial impression that the patient will be treated under the umbrella of precision cancer care, when, in fact, it (precision cancer care) is not available for many types of cancer.