Recent Host Immunity Articles

Beautiful Butterfly And Stone On Black Sand With Pattern

Turning Cancer Fear and Anxiety on its Head

Cancer remains the scariest and most anxiety-provoking 6-letter word I know. But we now have more tools than ever to proactively and pragmatically approach a diagnosis while better controlling emotions—namely fear and anxiety, which can lead to depression.

Private Eye Investigator

COVID-19 NOW: Novel Therapeutics and How to Find Them

For those of us living with cancer, this is what being proactive looks like right now in 4 steps. Because this is no time to lower your defenses.

Burnt aerosol spray cans / Dealing with hazardous waste in a wrong way

Taking Precautions Against Cancer-Causing Toxins

MD Anderson’s integrative medicine chief Dr. Lorenzo Cohen shares critical insights on the troubling environmental stew we live in, what we know about its impact on cancer, and how best to limit our exposure.

Public Health on Fire

Cancer, Like COVID: A Public Health Failure

Ed Yong’s recent sobering piece in The Atlantic on the U.S.’s lack of preparedness for the next pandemic that’s inevitably “barreling toward us”  hit my inbox with a ‘must read’ thud. Cogently written, it provides historical context for the myriad errors committed—and how the many lessons learned early on with COVID were somehow not actionable for the next episode of death: the Delta variant.

A Syringe In Your Hand On A Black Background

All Vaxxed Up and Nowhere to Go: Cancer Patients and the Whole Damn Dilemma

Recent studies show approximately one in four blood cancer patients fail to produce detectable antibodies after COVID-19 vaccination. This is most prevalent in those hosting non-Hodgkin lymphomas and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, but also in those hosting multiple myeloma and other blood cancers.

Protection from COVID while shopping for vegaetables

Masks and Veggies: COVID, Vaccines, and Cancer Prevention

We now have a COVID vaccines shown to be safe and effective. Soon, there will be a half-dozen or more approved vaccines to choose from. In less than a year. An amazing feat. But for folks living with various forms of cancer, we don’t have clear guidance on who should be vaccinated against COVID, or when. So what should you do?

Molecular Model Of Antibody Taking Part In Immune Defense.

Cancer in the Age of Covid-19: Focus on Host Immune Resiliency

Cancer survivors—and especially those actively undergoing treatment—are immunocompromised. But there’s plenty you can do right now to help protect yourself.


Joe Biden’s So-Far Missed Opportunity to Impact Cancer

With the shuttering of Biden Cancer Initiative, there’s a lot to wonder about in regard to Joe Biden’s future as a champion for those affected by cancer’s sinister grip.

Rain Drops On Palm Leaf Nature Background.

I Never Let Up. Neither Should You.

I will never let my guard down. It doesn’t mean I am over-the-top nuts (depending on who you ask, naturally), following all that my program comprises, though I am quite disciplined. Put simply, I am serious about maintaining my health, and hope to avoid a relapse, or the possibility of being diagnosed with another disease, be that a secondary cancer or some other condition(s) in the future.

Mushrooms In The Autumn Forest.

Unleashing Your Brain’s Powerful Natural Pharmacy

We still know so little about the brain. And though this figure is controversial, it is widely thought that humans only use 10% of the capacity of their brains. One thing we do know about the brain is that it contains a natural pharmacy comprising some powerful, positive (and negative) chemicals.