Recent n of 1—the book Articles
On Taking Control
In my new book, n of 1, I tell a story of maintaining control—my brand of maintaining control—when at an extremely low point.
Behind the Decisions: The Anatomy of n of 1
My story, n of 1, needed to be delivered responsibly, accurately, and authentically. To the extent possible, it needed to be beyond reproach. Let me explain.
My Thanksgiving Story and Wish for You
On Thanksgiving Day 1991, three months after my diagnoses of leukemia, I laid in a hospital bed at GW University Hospital in Washington, D.C. My spleen was removed the prior day.
Glenn Sabin Podcast Interview: Integrative Oncology and Being an n of 1
Recorded shortly after speaking at UCSD’s Integrative Oncology conference, this podcast interview captures my thoughts on integrative oncology, and journey with a terminal cancer diagnosis, better than any other to date.
I am an n of 1. You are an n of 1.
Shortly after I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1991, my personal n of 1 experiment began; its outcomes have been closely chronicled for a quarter century.
Spontaneous Remission is a Misnomer
While certainly true that the human mind and body possess an innate healing capacity, the phenomenon can only be fully unleashed by activating specific powerful triggers. True healing is a complex biological process, not magic.