Recent Research Articles

Right-toTry Bill - logo

Cancer Treatment ‘Right-to-Try’ Bill: Pros, Cons, Unknowns

The Right-to-Try movement—advocates for faster access to potentially life-saving experimental drugs for terminal patients—has gained strong momentum, with the act recently winning easy passage in congress, and, at the time of this article, it is on its way for a senate vote. The legislation is widely anticipated to become law later this year. As of […]

Cancer Immunotherapy and T-cells

The Original Cancer Immunotherapy: Modifying Our Behavior

We are hearing a lot about cancer immunotherapy these days. Modern approaches and technology are now helping to revolutionize cancer care. What decision-making power do we hold to influence an immune-therapeutic response to help avoid, manage, or treat a cancer diagnosis? And how might this affect long-term survival?

Fiery glowing innovative fractal flame abstract

Advancing the Global Impact of Integrative Oncology

The importance of disseminating accurate information on evidence-informed integrative cancer care approaches led to the founding of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) in 2003. SIO recently spearheaded the publication in JNCI Institute Monographs, titled ‘Advancing the Global Impact of Integrative Oncology’.

Pictured L-R Dawn Lemanne, MD, MPH. Glenn Sabin, Michael Stroka, JD, MBA, CNS

Cancer and Nutrition Science: What I Eat

Nutrition science is rapidly advancing, but clinical nutrition in general is still one of the most confusing areas of health, with differing opinions regarding the best approaches to preventing cancer, supporting active treatment, ensuring durable remissions, and overall survival.

Man running in a gym on a treadmill.

The Impact of Exercise on Cancer

I’ve always leveraged exercise and all forms of physical activity for the natural pharmacopeia that it is. Serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and endorphins are always available in my brain’s go-to medicine cabinet, accessible from wherever I choose to unleash them: the gym, park, beach, back yard.

Visually attractive backdrop made of human face abstract.

Engaging the Mind to Positively Influence Cancer Outcomes

A relaxed, unfettered mind is conducive to a healthy whole person. It’s foundational. It’s essential. Anything less will negatively affect our overall cognitive ability, and the pursuit of true health and healing.

CLL Society logo

Meet Dr. Brian Koffman and the CLL Society

The CLL Society is arguably the best place on the web to learn about all things CLL–the latest science, educational programs, clinical trials, and treatment. Dr. Brian Koffman, a CLL survivor, co-founded the CLL Society. He is a highly respected, leading advocate for the CLL community.

Test Tubes in Science Research Lab

Looks Promising… But More Research is Needed

We live in the here and now. If you are a cancer thriver–or aspire to be one–you are not waiting for more research to guide sensible, important decisions to keep you as healthy as possible. That means ‘act’. Roll up your sleeves, consider, recognize, and benefit from the growing body of cancer research that currently exists.

Natural product examined under microscope

Natural Products for Cancer Care: Challenges and Progress

Several dietary supplements have shown evidence that they support cancer care, often effective in reducing the deleterious side effects of cancer treatment. I believe that high-quality nutritional supplements, tailored to my body’s specific needs, played a powerful role in the ‘treatment’ and management of my leukemia. More research is needed to move natural products into the mainstream of cancer care.

Science fiction spaceship

Cancer Care and Conspiracy Theories

I’ve heard all about the ‘cancer industry complex’ conspiracy theories from those claiming to know the truth about cancer—even attended their summits, which often advocate refusing standard treatment.