
It has been a privilege and honor to coach those living with cancer during the past 17 years. I am humbled to share comments below from clients—those hosting leukemias and various solid tumor malignancies, ranging from early, indolent disease to latter stage, advanced, and more difficult health challenges.

Regardless of the disease specifics, type, stage, prognosis, we know that each cancer is different and each host is unique: an n of 1. What type of person is hosting cancer is as important to consider as what type of cancer a person is hosting.

Hope is critical. However, attitude, information, self-empowerment, and a plan for health—beyond disease treatment and management—are paramount.

What I have witnessed repeatedly is those that play a central role in their healing process tend to achieve the best outcomes, including an elevated quality of life.

I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

In health and healing,

Glenn Sabin signature

“I was recently diagnosed with CLL. And this is concurrent with two additional cancers: melanoma and prostate cancer. In my search for the leading conventional and integrative medical practitioners, I met a leading renowned integrative oncologist in San Francisco. This doctor, because he cares, recommended I contact Glenn Sabin. When I began the search for Glenn I was thinking this was a doctor referring me to another doctor. What I found was that my oncologist had referred me to another patient—a “former” cancer patient who I was told had the knowledge and experience to help me understand what was needed in my exploration of the right mix between Eastern and Western medicine. Those of us with cancer have to be our own advocates. The great thing about Glenn is that he has walked in our shoes and knows what we are going through and need: straight talk and direct answers to our questions in a way that is easy to understand and encourages self-care and control.”

Brad B
Temecula, CA
(CLL, Melanoma, Prostate)

“While Glenn’s cancer coaching is excellent, the real benefit in working with him is the connection, empathy, and personal support he provides his clients. Clearly it’s personal for Glenn and it shows. He’s a valuable member of my A Team and an integral source for the most cutting edge leads, feedback, as well as the latest research. I’m eternally grateful our paths have crossed.”

Chris B
Mill Valley, CA

“I am indebted to Glenn for his help in investigating and managing my disease, and evaluating some of the new wonder drugs. I consider him a loyal soldier in my battle with this disease. Thanks so much, Glenn.

Peter S
West Sand Lake, NY

Glenn is extremely knowledgeable, and provides a very good 50,000 foot perspective on how to maneuver through the complex world of cancer treatment. He pointed me in a direction for my cancer care that I never would have gone in without his pointed guidance. I am forever grateful for his specific advice on how and why I should change caregivers. It’s improved my care, my quality of life, and I believe, my outcomes.

Chappaqua, NY
(Stage 4 Breast Cancer)

“I was first made aware of Glenn Sabin’s story through an online support group and was thrilled to finally find another person with my particular cancer (almost everyone in the support group had breast cancer, thyroid cancer or prostate cancer).

Before having my telephone conference with Glenn, I was so lost and confused about which way to turn regarding treatment options. After reading his book and talking over the phone, I was impressed with his extensive knowledge which helped to guide me on my healing journey. His empathy and compassion reinforced my “powerfulness”, which I had lost due to the many overwhelming fears I had.

Regardless of the outcome, I will forever be grateful to Glenn for not only sharing his story, but also for the hope I now have for my future.”

Linda C
Melbourne, FL

“I became aware of Glenn while reading Radical Remission this past spring after learning I had bladder cancer. What a treasure of a find he has been. Bridging the wide gap between western medicine protocols and a more eastern or integrative, functional approach is quite a challenge as is the entire post-diagnosis journey. He guided me to a very experienced integrative oncologist who is an excellent fit for me and as a result helped me develop and define a clear strategy going forward. I am forever grateful.”

Carmel Valley, CA
(Stage 2 Bladder Cancer)

“I was diagnosed with CML/ALL in July 2015, and underwent a regimen of chemotherapy and additional drug therapy. One year later I am in remission but still being treated for certain aspects of the disease. Given my age and other factors there is a high probability of relapse. I got Glenn’s name from the book “Radical Remission”. I found in Glenn a good, caring listener. Most importantly, Glenn provided valuable advice to involve additional oncologists to explore different approaches for my specific situation. He also shared his extensive knowledge of an integrated approach, how to be proactive, and the elements of his own remarkable path to fighting cancer.”

Hein V
La Conversion, Switzerland

“I reached out to Glenn in a time of confusion, panic and hopelessness. He was able to give me hope, power and vision with thorough information on how to take care of myself and nourish my body to thrive. At the end of our coaching session, I felt empowered and ready to handle my news in a positive way. Glenn is exactly what I needed to get me back on track to a healthy and happy future. I thoroughly recommend his guidance!”

Lakewood, CO
(Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm—IPMN)

“I consulted with Glenn early in my cancer diagnosis. He was kind, thoughtful and positive, which was a tremendous help. Glenn is also incredibly knowledgeable: about what to look for in cancer treatment along with lifestyle changes I should incorporate. Because of Glenn’s own personal journey with cancer and his years of study and research, he was a very helpful resource at a very challenging moment of my life.”

Richmond, VA
(Breast Cancer)

“I thought I was doing all I could to help my body get as healthy as possible in order to fight my SLL. Through Glenn’s coaching, we found areas that needed improvement. Talking to him (and reading his book) has given me much hope and knowledge to help me deal with the SLL. Glenn’s down to earth approach and the fact that we could relate made it a very comfortable and non-intimidating session.

Helen V
Toronto, Ontario

“I am so happy I found Glenn! As a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patient who is also dealing with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Glenn has been a tremendous resource providing a wealth of information that has been extremely helpful on my road to better health. It was so nice to talk with someone who has been there and experienced all the bumps in the road and even some setback. After my consultation with Glenn I felt a new sense of hope and a sense of control of my health. I have made some of the changes Glenn suggested including green tea each day. I am happy to report that my cancer is not getting worse and is stable. I see my oncologist every three months and during my last visit he indicated that I could see him every 6 months, which shows me, I am moving in the right direction. Thank you Glenn for your support on my road to better health and for sharing what you learned along your journey.”

Cynthia V
La Mirada, CA
(Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma—NHL)

“Being diagnosed with a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia, I was searching for answers and solutions. My wife found Glenn’s website and we then chose to be proactive with my treatment course by consulting with Glenn. I found Glenn’s manner to be incredibly supportive and empathetic and was impressed that he took the time to learn about WM. It was very refreshing and reassuring to speak to someone who had already ‘walked the path’ and was being successful in using an alternative ‘lifestyle’ approach to cancer treatment resulting in his remission. Glenn recommended that I have a blood ‘terrain’ panel run to more accurately pinpoint those supplements that may restore my body to an optimal state of health and to benefit in my recovery. Having Glenn in my corner as my cancer coach has made all the difference in the world and I find it reassuring that he will be available to consult with me in the future!”

Michael R
Pine, CO
Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia

“I talked to Glenn for the first time over a year ago, having read his book in which he impressed me with his resourcefulness and tenacity. I thought: ‘this is a guy I would like to work with me on my own journey!’ We had a substantial first session where he offered suggestions and helped me tweak the regime I was following. Since then, whenever something new has popped up—some food I’m not sure about, new situation, or treatment approach to consider—he has always been there with thoughtful considerations, or to point me to important relevant information.”

Bismark, ND

Consulting with Glenn Sabin I found him to be thoughtful—he became fully informed of my situation and prognosis before making any recommendations. He was helpful, had good suggestions and recommendations that have helped guide my overall treatment plan.

Peter M
St. Louis, MO
(Stage 4 Lung Cancer)

“I would highly recommend coaching with Glenn. I learned a lot, and he takes a lot of your stress away.”

Roger H
Glendale, CA

“I did two coaching sessions with Glenn soon after my leukemia diagnosis, and found these sessions invaluable. It helped me to set a new course regarding my treatment, and Glenn’s personal story gave me great inspiration and courage to fight this disease.”

Sheldon C
Silver Spring, MD

“Anyone who has CLL ought to spend some time with Glenn Sabin. His book n of 1 should be sufficient to convince anyone of his intimate knowledge of this form of cancer and the medical options, both within and outside traditional medicine. He is straightforward to talk to and gives straight practical advice. My own case of CLL is very mild right now, not considered sufficiently advanced for medical treatment. But that is no reason to ignore it, and I am glad I went to Glenn for advice.”

Robert M
Victoria, BC

“Glenn is really great. He’s caring and very helpful, going deeply into every detail and giving guidance from his own personal and vast research experience. I found him first by discovering his book, “n of 1,” the story of his personal journey will CLL, culminating in complete freedom from the disease. Pretty inspiring to someone who also was recently diagnosed with CLL. Glenn has given me valuable advice on my own healing journey.”

Livingston Manor, NY

“We found our consultation with Glenn Sabin to be very informative. He was very supportive, caring and a fountain of knowledge about CLL and other cancers. I would highly recommend him as a counselor.”

Telluride, CO

“There is nothing like getting advice from someone that has been in the patient’s seat with a terminal disease. Glenn is a radical remission case which always gives us hope. Therefore, getting guidance about how to pro-actively fight cancer beyond the traditional oncology centers from someone that went through this journey is priceless. Glenn asked the right questions, came prepared, and followed up. He is an amazing resource and great person to work with”.

New York, NY
(Stage 4 NSCLC)

“Discovering Glenn Sabin’s journey to remission was deeply motivating to me as a CLL “thriver” who has been practicing a diet, exercise, lifestyle approach to my healing as well. Consulting with Glenn gave me refinement of my own wellness protocol as well as valuable additional resources to tap into. I trust his advice and am grateful to have him along with me as I traverse the road to optimal health.”

Melissa T
Little Rock, AR

After 13 years with low grade prostate cancer, at the end of 2018 I decided to have a prostatectomy. Given my long history and general good health, I was shocked to discover that I had positive margins, meaning that cancer had spread beyond the prostate. This is potentially life threatening. My urologist sent me to a radiation specialist who was very demanding that I should start radiation and hormone treatment immediately. The fact is that I felt pretty healthy and didn’t feel inclined to jump into more radical treatment.

Glenn is a fresh voice—supportive of western medicine, but not beholden to the system. When you need someone outside your intimate family/friends circle—and outside of the medical/insurance establishment—Glenn is someone you can rely on to provide solid scientific information. He explains the important differences of alternative cancer care versus integrative oncology. He also educates on how taking alternative approaches can be harmful to long term outcomes. With western doctors implying that your life depends on their treatments, and alternative practitioners practically implying immortality, an independent voice is reassuring.

My prostatectomy was two years ago, still with no detectable PSA. I never had radiation or hormone treatment. I feel great. Thank you, Glenn, for your support.

Michael P
Afton, VA
(Stage 4 Prostate Cancer)

“When I got diagnosed with CLL, I had no idea where to turn and who to talk to. I was overwhelmed with the amount of information on the internet, and my doctor said that there is nothing they can do, but just to wait and watch. I came across Glenn’s book, n of 1 which completely changed my approach. After our long talk, where he thoroughly answered my questions and provided great (and very specific) resources, I feel much more confident that, just like Glenn, one day I may actually become CLL free.”

Boca Raton, FL

“We became aware of Glenn by way of his book, n of 1. We read the book with great interest because Dave had been diagnosed with CLL in 2014. Even though he was told he probably would not need any treatment for years, his white blood count increased, and his oncologist started recommending chemo in 2018. We were hesitant to go that route, but needed advice. We recalled from his book that Glenn offered phone consultations, so we made an appointment and had a very informative, life-changing phone conversation with him. After hearing Dave’s story, Glenn recommended a doctor who did research and specialized in CLL at a university near our home in California. After evaluations were done there, Dave was entered into their clinical trial. He has had great results, and is now in remission! He will be completing the trial in a few months. We are very thankful for Glenn recommending that doctor and for paving the way by providing solid advice based on experience and research. Thank you, Glenn!”

Dave L
Dana Point, CA

“I read Glenn Sabin’s book ‘n of 1’ last year and was very impressed with his response to his own health along with the way he collaborated with his doctors.

As a long term breast cancer patient, I needed support earlier this year and made an appointment to talk to Glenn. He is a wonderful, inspiring man and well informed about the whole cancer landscape. Given his high profile and busy life, I felt that he really took time and care to understand and support me.

Glenn is a great communicator, part of my A team and someone I will contact whenever I lose perspective or feel I’m lacking in discipline. I would highly recommend him for guidance on any part of a cancer journey.”

Sally S
London, UK
(Stage 4 Breast Cancer)

“After working with Glenn, I feel I have a path forward to combat CLL by getting rid of the junk in life (processed foods, alcohol and stress) that hold my immune system back; and take on healthful habits to give my body the best chance of fighting this disease and becoming an n-of-1. I was diagnosed at 36, which as you probably know, is very young for CLL. I have a stressful job, like most, and quitting is not an option because I am a single father and I need to provide for my son. Glenn is easy to work with, and I love his alternative-approach mindset and ability to have intelligent conversation about all-things new happening in the CLL world. Having Glenn in your corner is a must, especially if you have not received conventional treatment (like me) and want to push that back as far as possible; or, dare I say, reduce your chances of ever needing conventional treatment!”

Portage, MI

“Glenn Sabin was very knowledgeable and skilled at supporting me during an extremely difficult medical journey. I would highly recommend him.”

Nancy C
Ashland, MA
(Breast—Chk2 gene, HER2 mutations)

“I was truly inspired and received great information talking with Glenn…He reviewed my food diary and made really great useful recommendations. He also led me to a great site for supplements. Periodically, he e-mails me to check on how I am doing. His life suggestions, journey, and tenacity, truly gives me hope every day in my quest to stay healthy and form good health habits!”

Denise T
Washington, DC
(Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia—CML)

“I was diagnosed with CLL about 3 ½ years ago and was recently referred to Glenn. I have found my interactions with him very meaningful. During our first visit he asked very thorough questions and took a great deal of time getting to know me and my disease. He then recommended various lifestyle changes that were not easy but have proved beneficial. I now look forward to periodic follow-up consultations so that I can implement even further changes. I am glad that our paths have crossed.”

David B
Nashville, TN
(Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia—CLL)

“Consulting with Glenn gave me the inspiration to take my wellness to the next level. I made many big changes in my life when I was diagnosed, but I felt I was getting a bit complacent. Glenn solved that.”

North Attleboro, MA
(Stage IV Breast Cancer)

“Working with Glenn gave me an incredible insight and awareness to how much control I really had in my recovery from cancer treatments.”

Ethan H
Eliot, ME
(Multiple Myeloma)

“After being diagnosed with CLL and feeling frustrated with the watch-and-wait approach, Glenn’s coaching helped push me towards greater overall health.”

Scott B
Chicago, IL

“As someone who has been through this journey, Glenn, who was there, instantly motivated my husband. After we finished the 75 minutes initial session with him, my husband wanted to exercise. He put on his walking shoes, hoodie and decided to walk for ten minutes. Hope it is what you want.”

Shafeeq A
Arlington, VA
(Stage 4 Stomach Cancer)