Recent cancer Articles

Science fiction spaceship

Cancer Care and Conspiracy Theories

I’ve heard all about the ‘cancer industry complex’ conspiracy theories from those claiming to know the truth about cancer—even attended their summits, which often advocate refusing standard treatment.

Man shown from behind in hospital gown

On Taking Control

In my new book, n of 1, I tell a story of maintaining control—my brand of maintaining control—when at an extremely low point.

Woman wearing bandana receiving chemotherapy IV

On Refusing Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is imperfect—most drugs are. But I absolutely support its use for cancer treatment when called for as the approved standard of care, when there is solid potential to ensure a durable remission.

Graphic - Turn Knowledge into Action

The Age of the Empowered Cancer Patient

Welcome to the age of the empowered cancer patient. Many tools, as well as access to high quality information and top physician scientists, are available for cancer patients willing and able to invest themselves in their own health journey.

Beautiful sunrise from shore with tall grass

Exceptional Patients and Radical Cancer Remissions

Properly documenting remarkable stories of healing cancer in the medical literature is more important than ever. This post shares options for how to do so.

Beautiful levendar plant with flowers

Cancer: Healing Versus Curing

Many think of cancer healing as the recovery process from invasive interventions such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. It’s a common mindset of ‘I’ll endure the conventional treatment then heal from it’. While that’s certainly a true form of physical healing, there are numerous ways in which healing takes place.

Astronaut on the moon

Open Letter to Joe Biden: We Need a Cancer ‘Prevention’ Moonshot

Dear Vice President Biden:
Your Cancer Moonshot initiative is commendable, with its core goals to make more therapies available to more patients, while supporting improvements to prevent cancer, and detect it earlier. The core elements of the Cancer Moonshot from a research and drug discovery standpoint are sound, but the overarching framework lacks a critical keystone. Let me explain.

Spontaneous Remission is a Myth

Spontaneous Remission is a Myth

While certainly true that the human mind and body possess an innate healing capacity, the phenomenon can only be fully unleashed by activating specific powerful triggers. True healing is a complex biological process, not magic.