Recent integrative oncology Articles

Brad Power

Precision and Personalized Cancer Treatment: My Mission to Help Others

Guest post contributor Brad Power is an expert in the field of business process innovation. He is applying his own cancer experience to help usher in truly personalized cancer care and the engagement of patient ‘scientists’.

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Personalized Medicine and Integrative Oncology as One

The future of cancer treatment is a highly personalized, N of 1 model of care, specific to each unique individual and each unique tumor a person is hosting.

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43 Life-Changing Lessons Since My Cancer Diagnosis

I’ve learned a few things over the 30 years since being diagnosed with cancer. These personal lessons, combined with what I’ve gleaned from 19 years as a cancer coach, greatly shapes my ever-growing understanding of cancer—and its prevention and control.

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Giving Cancer a Chance

A cancer prevention moonshot is nowhere on the horizon. Cancer is given chance after chance after chance. The worst part? Cancer is an insatiable opportunist.

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Top Clinical Cancer Advances 2021 (During a Pandemic)

Advanced cancer care is the cornerstone of integrative oncology. Without conventional care, integrative oncology and lifestyle modifications are not complete. Here are the latest advances in cancer care during 2020.

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Of No Party or Clique

“Of no party or clique” was the founding motto of The Atlantic magazine over 160 years ago. How can this moniker apply today to cancer—specifically its prevention, treatment, and survival?

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My Cancer Advocacy: The Art and Science of Reconciliation

I don’t fit neatly into a one-size-fits-all medical dogma camp. This means that folks who only sample what I share are left wondering where I pitch my tent. My unique personal experience, and purview of cancer, places me in an odd spot of exclusively advocating neither alternative, nor integrative, nor conventional medicine.

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Integrative Oncology Providers

National directory of integrative oncology providers.

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Oncologist as Disease Expert—You as Health Expert

Oncologists often agree on one largely anecdotal observation: patients who are the most involved in their own care, and who stay positive, typically have the best outcomes, even when facing a poor prognosis. As a patient with a mission to thrive, you must be your own expert when it comes to creating the healthiest you: physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Put simply, you must ‘own’ your health.

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[Free Guide] 10 Essential Steps to Take Control of Your Cancer Journey

n of 1 author Glenn Sabin offers 10 important steps to take immediate control of your cancer journey, and to position you at the center of your own care.