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Meet Dr. Brian Koffman and the CLL Society

The CLL Society is arguably the best place on the web to learn about all things CLL–the latest science, educational programs, clinical trials, and treatment. Dr. Brian Koffman, a CLL survivor, co-founded the CLL Society. He is a highly respected, leading advocate for the CLL community.

Young lady in meditating while doing yoga.

Oncologist as Disease Expert—You as Health Expert

Oncologists often agree on one largely anecdotal observation: patients who are the most involved in their own care, and who stay positive, typically have the best outcomes, even when facing a poor prognosis. As a patient with a mission to thrive, you must be your own expert when it comes to creating the healthiest you: physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Put simply, you must ‘own’ your health.

Glenn Sabin and his miniture schnauzer, Leo

The Best Stress Reduction Techniques for Cancer Survivors

Given the last few decades of increased everyday demands on the lives of most folks, it has become clear that management of such stress is critical for attaining optimum health. Stress management is also vital for preventing a pro-cancer environment, and it is essential to employ stress reduction techniques while undergoing active treatment for cancer. These practices also advantage long-term survival.

Test Tubes in Science Research Lab

Looks Promising… But More Research is Needed

We live in the here and now. If you are a cancer thriver–or aspire to be one–you are not waiting for more research to guide sensible, important decisions to keep you as healthy as possible. That means ‘act’. Roll up your sleeves, consider, recognize, and benefit from the growing body of cancer research that currently exists.

Natural product examined under microscope

Natural Products for Cancer Care: Challenges and Progress

Several dietary supplements have shown evidence that they support cancer care, often effective in reducing the deleterious side effects of cancer treatment. I believe that high-quality nutritional supplements, tailored to my body’s specific needs, played a powerful role in the ‘treatment’ and management of my leukemia. More research is needed to move natural products into the mainstream of cancer care.

Science fiction spaceship

Cancer Care and Conspiracy Theories

I’ve heard all about the ‘cancer industry complex’ conspiracy theories from those claiming to know the truth about cancer—even attended their summits, which often advocate refusing standard treatment.

Glenn Sabin and Lee Nadler, MD, standing side by side

Great Expectations: The Relationship Between You And Your Oncologist

Find the most skilled, compassionate, and open-minded oncologist you can. If this person is not an integrative oncologist, that’s okay, too.

Man shown from behind in hospital gown

On Taking Control

In my new book, n of 1, I tell a story of maintaining control—my brand of maintaining control—when at an extremely low point.

Woman wearing bandana receiving chemotherapy IV

On Refusing Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is imperfect—most drugs are. But I absolutely support its use for cancer treatment when called for as the approved standard of care, when there is solid potential to ensure a durable remission.

book, image of 3D cover of guide: 10 Essentials to Taking Control of Your Cancer Journey

[Free Guide] 10 Essential Steps to Take Control of Your Cancer Journey

n of 1 author Glenn Sabin offers 10 important steps to take immediate control of your cancer journey, and to position you at the center of your own care.