Recent glenn sabin Articles

Science fiction spaceship

Cancer Care and Conspiracy Theories

I’ve heard all about the ‘cancer industry complex’ conspiracy theories from those claiming to know the truth about cancer—even attended their summits, which often advocate refusing standard treatment.

Glenn Sabin and Lee Nadler, MD, standing side by side

Great Expectations: The Relationship Between You And Your Oncologist

Find the most skilled, compassionate, and open-minded oncologist you can. If this person is not an integrative oncologist, that’s okay, too.

Man shown from behind in hospital gown

On Taking Control

In my new book, n of 1, I tell a story of maintaining control—my brand of maintaining control—when at an extremely low point.

Woman wearing bandana receiving chemotherapy IV

On Refusing Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is imperfect—most drugs are. But I absolutely support its use for cancer treatment when called for as the approved standard of care, when there is solid potential to ensure a durable remission.

book, image of 3D cover of guide: 10 Essentials to Taking Control of Your Cancer Journey

[Free Guide] 10 Essential Steps to Take Control of Your Cancer Journey

n of 1 author Glenn Sabin offers 10 important steps to take immediate control of your cancer journey, and to position you at the center of your own care.

Image of n of 1 book by Glenn Sabin and Dawn Lemanne, MD, MPH

Behind the Decisions: The Anatomy of n of 1

My story, n of 1, needed to be delivered responsibly, accurately, and authentically. To the extent possible, it needed to be beyond reproach. Let me explain.

Graphic - Turn Knowledge into Action

The Age of the Empowered Cancer Patient

Welcome to the age of the empowered cancer patient. Many tools, as well as access to high quality information and top physician scientists, are available for cancer patients willing and able to invest themselves in their own health journey.

Fork with cancereous tumors

Personalized Cancer Care, Tumors and You

Even as cancer treatment becomes more targeted, with less toxicity, fewer side effects, there remains a profound need to focus more on the host: the patient.

Pile of dietary supplements

Dietary Supplements: Harmful or Essential? Cutting Through the Unrelenting Rhetoric

Though I am a staunch proponent of well-placed high quality nutritional supplementation, I’m greatly disturbed by the irresponsible material sourcing, shoddy manufacturing standards and unethical marketing and sales tactics of fringe cavalier manufacturers, influencers, patients and, yes, even medical practitioners.

Autumn Fall Leaves Background

My Thanksgiving Story and Wish for You

On Thanksgiving Day 1991, three months after my diagnoses of leukemia, I laid in a hospital bed at GW University Hospital in Washington, D.C. My spleen was removed the prior day.